We are on a mission to reduce drug dependence in the world for lifestyle diseases and instead make preventive care commonplace, powered by Ayurveda.
Our Ashwagandha, Triphala, Nano Turmeric & Nano Giloy are the purest natural supplements in Singapore. Talk to our renowned Ayurvedic Experts to know ways to prevent and control lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Weight gain, Insomnia or Chronic stress.
Our Super Supplement - Triphala 2detox
Triphala is the one supplement you should be taking on a daily basis, it's made from 3 wild fruits. Triphala has no preservatives or any other additives. It will get your gut cleansed and will work wonders for weight management, bloating and more. Try 2 tablets of Triphala everyday before bedtime, we assure you that you will feel the difference in a week.

A regular colon cleanse vital if there are one or more of these symptoms often:
- Retention of waste water in the body
- Swelling or puffiness on the face, oedema on the legs
- Lethargy, lack of energy
- Feeling of heaviness of the body
- Low immunity
- Lifestyle disorders related to bad lifestyle habits
- Digestive disorders
- Weight related disorders
- Hormonal imbalance PCOS and other menstrual irregularities
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Juice Cleanse

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What are Ayurvedic body types?
The concepts of Ayurveda exist since almost 3000 years ago. At its core are the three body forces called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are called the Dosha's and they comprise of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Balancing these 3 Dosha's Leads to a healthier and happier life. Find your Dosha Scores now! Take the 3 quizzes below.
we are what we digest

Top 5 lifestyle diseases & how ayurveda can help:
‘Agni’ or digestive fire is responsible for all the transformative processes in our body. Starting from digestion, absorption and assimilation of food as nutrients to those nutrients then being used as fuel at a cellular level to carry out for bodily functions. A strong agni can absorb good nutrients from even minimal quantity of food. However, a weak digestive fire creates toxins or ‘ama’ even from good quality food. With weak digestive fire comes an imbalance of other doshas that ultimately lead to diseases. The stronger we can keep our agni the longer we lead a disease-free life. As per Ayurveda, an imbalanced agni is at the root of every disease and a person’s real age is as old as his metabolic fire.
Learn how a healthy Ayurveda diet, lifestyle and all natural supplements that detox inside-out can help you reverse vitiated doshas. Live free from lifestyle diseases.

The VATA Quiz
Vata Dosha has the qualities of being light, dry, cold, mobile and subtle. So Vata people must engage in activities that are heavy, stable, grounding, and warming.
Answer these 20 questions on Vata Dosha.

The PITTA Quiz
Pitta Dosha has the qualities of being hot, sharp, light, liquid, and mobile. This means that Pitta type people require activities that are calming, cooling, softening, and relaxing.
Answer these 20 questions on Pitta Dosha.

The Kapha Quiz
Kapha Dosha has the qualities of being heavy, slow, cold, oily, dense, and static. This means that Kapha people need to engage in activities that are warm, stimulating, lightening, and enlivening.
Answer these 20 questions on Kapha Dosha.
Juice Cleanse & Detox Programs
EGA Juice Cleanse Packs are based on the Individual body types or dosha's (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA), if you're new to Juice Cleanse, please take the 3 quizzes above and find your Dosha. You may then take a complementary Juice Cleanse Consultation with Dr. Megha, our Ayurvedic Doc. She will guide you on the juice cleanse which will work best for your body type and your health goals.