The PITTA Dosha

Qualities reflecting the elements of Fire and Water

According to Ayurveda, the three vital energies VATA, PITTA, and KAPHA govern our bodily activities. PITTA dosha has qualities of being hot, sharp, light, liquid, and mobile. This means that Pitta type people require activities that are calming, cooling, softening, and relaxing.

If this is your dominent Dosha, then you would love our PITTA alleviating products. They are specially designed to significantly help people live a healthier and calmer life.

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Finding your Dosha energies is a complex science. Our renowned Ayurvedic expert can help you unravel it.

I want to take the quiz now.

So you already took our Dosha quiz, we hope you know more about your dominant Dosha now. While the quiz unravels some insights, to understand your Dosha levels and how to balance them, you need an expert like Dr. Ratheesh, who is a post graduate in Ayurveda and a renowned Ayurveda practitioner. 

Now you can book an online or in-person appointment with him in Singapore. Choose your time below. 



Spare time for fun & play as this de-stresses & helps the mind to relax. Schedule your deadlines


Spend time in the moonlight, as lunar energy is cool and calming


Drink plenty of water which is at room temperature. Juices can be slightly cold.


Spend time in nature, especially near water bodies. Water helps calm and cool Pitta


Keep physically cool. This will help you maintain your mental calmness


Engage in team activities rather than individual competitions, else you would aggravate the Pitta


Eat when you are hungry, it keeps the digestive fire from overheating the body


Eat healthy cooked foods with tastes that are sweet, bitter, and sharp, as this soothes a Pitta

The Pitta Juice Pack

All our juices are cold-pressed and made from 100% organic ingredients. On the cart page, please select delivery/pickup of juice package one day in advance of cleanse.

This cleanse is a mix of pure green juices and some mixed fruits and vegetables. This cleanse is very helpful with weight loss as it is low in calories and is a metabolism booster.

pitta juice cleanse pack for skin health. fresh 500ml juices
pitta juice cleanse pack for skin health. fresh 500ml juices
The pitta juice detox program in singapore
simply mean green juice in juice cleanse pack
power juice in pitta juice cleanse pack
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green1 juice in pitta juice cleanse
pomegranate juice in juice cleanse
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cleanse juice in pitta juice pack

PITTA Juice Cleanse Detox Pack (Re-Focus, Hard)

  Over 2150 packs sold

 Over 7000 customers served in Singapore

 We deliver to your doorstep

  • This cleanse is a mix of pure green juices and some mixed fruits 
  • Once a week of RE-FOCUS Cleanse can help the liver function to improve
  • This cleanse is very helpful with weight loss as it is low in calories and it boosts the  metabolism.
  • Body starts to metabolise fat much better and absorb nutrients



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Juice Cleanses

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30 Day Detox Packages and Juice Cleanses

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PITTA Juice Cleanse Detox Pack (Re-Focus, Hard)

Buy PITTA Juice pack online | 7 bottle pack + 4 Triphala tablets + 1 immunity shot | 1 day juice cleanse | Home...
Bestsellers Juice Cleanse Packages Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Bright Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

Bright juice is useful for Weight Loss & Eye Health. Ingredients include: Orange Juice, Apple, Pineapple, Carrot, Lemon, Turmeric, Cinnamon EGA Wellness specializes in producing...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Drinks with Turmeric Juice & Products with Turmeric Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Power Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

Power Juice helps to build Energy & Immunity. Ingredients Include: Kale, Carrot, Beetroot, Apple, Lemon, Turmeric, Cucumber EGA Wellness specializes in producing 100% natural, fresh...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Drinks with Turmeric Juice & Products with Turmeric Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Hardcore Green | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

All the Greens, No fruits. Hardcore Fresh cold-pressed Green Juice is for Detoxification & Colon Cleanse. Ingredients Include:  Kale, Spinach, Celery, Moringa, Parsley, Coriander, Basil, Fennel,...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Green 1 Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

Green 1 Juice is for Blood Cleanse & Skin Care. Ingredients Include: Cucumber, Apple, Pineapple, Kale, Moringa Leaf, Turmeric, Ginger, Amla, Fenugreek. Ega Wellness specializes in producing...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Drinks with Turmeric Juice & Products with Turmeric Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Natural Skin & Hair Care Power Shot

Regular use of this powershot improves the hydration of the skin and also checks hair loss. Amla has 30 times anti-oxidants compared to red wine...
Bestsellers Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta Power Shots Vata

Harmony Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

Harmony Juice is helpful in regulating digestion and blood circulation. Ingredients Include: Apple, Pear, Ginger, Mint. EGA Wellness specializes in producing 100% natural, fresh and...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Tranquil Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

Tranquil juice helps in relaxation and stress relief. Ingredients Include: Apple, Pineapple, Turmeric, Cinnamon. EGA Wellness specializes in producing 100% natural, fresh and preservative-free cold-pressed...
Cold Pressed Juices Drinks with Turmeric Juice & Products with Turmeric Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta
Cold Pressed Juice

Love Juice | 250 ml. | Cold Pressed

The Love juice is for Anxiety & Stress Relief. Ingredients Include: Apple, Carrot, Ginger, Mint. EGA Wellness specializes in producing 100% natural, fresh and preservative-free...
Bestsellers Cold Pressed Juices Online Product Feed Pitta Vata
Cold Pressed Juice

Golden Milk Coconut

Turmeric milk is a traditional age-old Ayurvedic recipe famously known today as Golden Milk. Turmeric is a super root in Ayurveda with health altering...
Bestsellers Caffeine and Non-dairy Drinks with Turmeric Juice & Products with Turmeric Online Product Feed Pitta Plant Based Milks Vata
Caffeine and non-dairy

Natural Painkiller Power Shot

The Natural remedy to reduce inflammation and pain. Contains Ingredients: Turmeric, Ginger, Himalayan Salt. Take 30 Mins after meal.
Bestsellers Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta Power Shots Vata

Natural Headache & Nausea Relief

Try this all natural powershot for headache and nausea relief. Contains active Ingredients Ginger & Honey.
Bestsellers Kapha Online Product Feed Pitta Vata

Pitta Khichdi Mix

Take 1 teaspoon Desi ghee and add Pitta khichdi spice mix sachet included inside the packet as per instructions below. Ingredients 2 year aged...
Bestsellers EGA Products Pitta Super Foods
Super Foods

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Watch what @wendeats found out about her Ayurvedic body type based Juice Detox Plan.



Usually sleeps well. Dreams are intense. Mostly awake refreshed in the morning.

Body Temperature

Skin is soft, warm & moist. Lot of body heat, perspires profusely.

Pitta Dosha Ayurveda


Usually have a big appetite. Can digest just about anything. Prefer cold meals and drinks.


Very organized and efficient. Often will meet deadlines. Excel in business.